
Universal Prayer for the Jubilee Year
- For the Church during the Jubilee 2025, may our Blessed Mother accompany her in her mission to spread the joy and peace that only Christ can offer, let us pray to the Lord.
- For Pilgrims of Hope in the Jubilee Year, may God’s grace reawaken in us the yearning to sow the seeds of the Gospel, let us pray to the Lord.
- For young people, may the Holy Spirit grant them courage to commit themselves generously to God’s service during this holy year, let us pray to the Lord.
- For the imprisoned, sick, and homebound, may God bless them with hope and confidence in his merciful love, let us pray to the Lord.
- For our faith community, may our hope in God’s promises inspire us seek his will in all things, let us pray to the Lord.
- For the faithful departed, may Christ receive those who hoped in him into the joys of eternal life, let us pray to the Lord.